February 4, 2021

Fire Warning Scenario and The Need for 

Professional Monitoring

It’s been a long day and you were late getting home. You pay the babysitter and tell her to drive home safe before you go and get your little ones ready for bed. Finally, you were able to tuck them in and come back downstairs to finally make yourself something to eat. Pans out, oil’s hot, food is in, and you start washing up plates from earlier.

Suddenly, you hear something on the stairs, and see Max standing on the staircase asking for a story. You take him back up and lay him down again, by this point you’re tired and decide the dishes can wait. Enjoying the feeling of being fresh from the shower and in comfy loungewear, you notice a smell... smoke! What did you forget? THE PAN!

Smoke has filled the kitchen and is seeping into the rest of the house; fire is bursting from the stove top. Under the thick haze and intense heat, you get everyone out of the house. With all the chaos, you didn’t have time to grab the phone. You go over to the neighbors and try to wake them up to call for help. By now everything has gotten out of hand and the damage has been done, no matter how fast emergency services are.

Why Professional Monitoring is Needed

The fire was an innocent accident, you might think you’re not this careless and you most likely aren’t. But accidents happen and cooking fires are the number one cause of home fires, the biggest cause is unattended cooking. You know all the safety precautions, don’t cook when sleepy or after consuming alcohol, stay in the kitchen while cooking, etc. But as shown in our scenario above, things happen.

With professional monitoring, 80% of this scenario could be different, Amaryllo’s advanced fire warning feature which utilizes AI computer vision technology, can spot potential fires up to 20 feet away. The 24/7 Pro Monitoring Camera pairs perfectly with our specially designed Sound Recognition as an additional add on service to further enhance security.

With the implementation of this monitoring service, it doesn’t matter if you’re away from the stove or away from home. Whenever this intelligent biometric camera spots a possible fire, the app will send a push notification directly to your phone, as well as notify our monitoring agents. Our professional monitoring agents are alert 24/7 and upon receiving a fire or intrusion alert, they can contact first responders on your behalf to send help right away.

With professionals on the job, actions can be taken quickly before any damage is done to your home or anyone in the house. So even if you are asleep, in a meeting, or doing any other activity away from home, rest assured your home is protected.

If you are looking for an effective and affordable monitoring system for your home or think you might benefit from one, we at Amaryllo would like to help keep you safe. Take a look at who we are or visit our Support Center and get in contact today for more information.